智薰總是什麼都為Fans著想.........他不希望Fans失望~難過.......他就是一個這麼棒的藝人...... 智薰加油!!


在 orpheum工作的我的朋友與參與rain演唱會的V2B(LA承辦方) 技工的聊天中得知一些情況。

V2B技工在 4:30pm 讓我朋友轉告給我,如果演唱會被取消也不要太沮喪。當問起原因時,技工回答,由於前一天的賽事,他們沒有足夠的時間去搭中央大螢幕,他們搭舞台至少需要2-3天的時間。




Rain說好,那就把舞台撤離,自己在籃球場演唱,但如果要撤走舞台需要很長時間,所以V2B一口否決了。之後,雨想到外面要與粉絲對話,即使不是用英文,但安全員把他拉回來了。他們已經通知了演唱會取消的消息,所以他們怕粉絲會阻止他離開。這時,rain與安全警護員發生了推擠,也與 V2B 主管發生了爭吵。


轉自百度 翻譯 lovebi_rain

Neway...A friend of mine who works at the orpheum spoke to a V2B Global tech guy, who was involved in the Rain show. The V2B guy told my friend at 4:30pm to tell me not to be too dissapointed if the Concert was cancelled. when asked why he said that he said they couldn't set up the big center screen, and with the game on the night before they didn't have enough time to set up. They needed at least 2-3 days. They hadn't even had the equipment inspected by this point. A fire department official was all ready telling them that they were not going to be able to use a lot of the pyrotechnicks they had in the show and city officials were NOT happy with stage. Too many code violations. They guy (who didn't really know who Rain was) also told my friend in no uncertain terms that he felt sorry for the singer. His bosses were telling everyone to be VERY hush hush about the whole thing (they didn't want word of this to spread to the Rain camp) they were trying to fix things.

어쨌든지간에..........오피엄 시어터에서 일하는 제 친구가 V2B에 일하는 기술공에게 무슨 일이 일어났는지 연유를 듣게 되었습니다. 4시 30분 즘 기술공이 제 친구를 통해 레인 콘서트가 취소되어도 실망하지 말라고 전하라고 했다더군요. 연유를 묻자 공연 전에 있었던 경기 때문에 중앙대의 큰 스크린을 설치할 시간이 없어서 그랬다고 하더군요. 최소한 2-3일은 필요했다구요. 기기들을 제대로 점검하지도 않은 상태였습니다. 소방관계자들도 공연에 많은 장치들을 쓰지 못하게했고 시 관계자들도 무대가 맘에 들지 않았다고 하더군요. 규정을 너무 많이 어겨서. 기술공(비가 누군지 모르는)은 비에 대한 유감을 표시했고 V2B의 윗사람들은 비 측이 이것에 대해 전혀 모르게 침묵으로 일관했고 자기들이 알아서 해결하려고 했습니다.

Apparently when Rain was FINALLY told about this whole mess was around 6:00pm. He was all ready getting dressed and was excited about the show after spending three hours going over the dance moves again with his dancers. Not wanting to cancel the concert he said he would still go out on stage and sing. He didn't care if the pyro or big screen worked. he wanted to do a sorta accoustic thing. city officials were adamant that the show must be cancelled and would not let him do this. The stage being incomplete anyway they said it would be dangerous to him to do this as well. He then said fine to remove the stage, he would sing just on the basketball court. But to tear down the whole stage, even half would take forever....V2B said no. When Rain tried to go outside to speak with fans, even though he didn't speak english, security had to hold him back. They were all ready letting everyone know the concert was cancelled and they feared that the fans would tear him apart. (yeah right). This was when he got in a fight with a security guard and was yelling at one of the V2B people in charge.

비는 댄서들과 몇 시간 동안이나 안무를 맞춰본 끝에 옷도 다 입고 쇼에 대해서 흥분하고 있었을 즈음, 6시 즘에야 비는 이 사실에 대해서 알게 되더랍니다. 콘서트를 취소하고 싶지 않아서, 화려한 무대 장치가 없어도 콘서트를 할거라고 버텼더랍니다. 어쿠스틱 콘서트라도 괜찮다면서. 시 관계자들은 그렇게 할 수 없다고 했고 무대는 어차피 완성되지 않았기 때문에 공연 자체가 위험할 거라고 덧붙였답니다. 비는 무대를 치워도 상관없다고, 그냥 농구 코트 위에서 공연을 하겠다고 했지만 이미 설치된 무대를 다 거두려면 엄청난 시간이 걸릴 것이기 때문에 V2B는 단호하게 거절했다고 합니다. 그리고 나서 비는 밖으로 나가 팬들과 대화하려고 했지만, 안전요원이 그를 막았답니다. 밖에서 이미 사람들에게 공연이 취소되었다고 알리고 있었기 때문이죠. 그 때 나가면 화난 사람들 때문에 비가 봉변을 당할지 아무도 장담할 수 없을 테니까요. 그 때야 비가 안전요원들과 싸우기 시작했고 V2B 관계자들에게 소리를 질러대기 시작했답니다.

Soo...long story short my friends connection in V2B was able to clear up and put in order a lot of the rumors that were going around. I would've shared all this with you guys earlier but I didn't want to spread more rumors. Not until I was sure. But since all these rumors were all ready leaked around I decided to put out what this V2B tech guy said happened. My friend didn't tell me all this until sunday morning. He didn't really believe that any of this was true...he thought it was too stupid to be real. But there you go.

그래서........지금 막 돌아다니고 있는 루머를 해명하려고 제 친구의 이야기를 올립니다. 더 일찍 올릴 수도 있었겠지만 더 많은 루머가 나올까봐 확신할 수 있을 때까지 기다리고 있었는데요, 어차피 루머가 너무 많기 때문에 그냥 올립니다. 일요일 아침까지 이 이야기를 해주지 않았거든요. 그 친구도 이 모든 일이 사실이라고 믿기에는 너무 황당하다는 입장이었나 봅니다.
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