TIME 10 Questions for Rain 雨回答《時代》的十個問題
Q1: Will you be brave enough to tell your fans that you have met your Ms. Right when the time comes in ?
Rain: If I meet Ms. Right, I like to respect her privacy. Her privacy is more important than my good. You know. That’s all.
Q2: In what ways do you think that Asian Entertainers whether they are musicians, actors or actresses ? How can they influence the western market which is clearly different from our own ?
Rain: You know. It doesn’t really matter where they come from. The important thing is people should understand each other.
Q3: What is the easiest way to seduce you ?
Rain: Haha.. OK you must be a good cook. If you are kind and pretty, that is even better. It’s perfect.
Q4: Where are your priorities, in both your career or your personal life ?
Rain: For now I want to work harder than ever to achieve my dream while I am in my twenties. And when I am in my thirties, I like to get married and have a wonderful family. You know. That is my dream.
Q5: If you have a chance to introduce Korean cultures to people overseas, which aspect would you like to introduce to them first ?
Rain: OK, that is good question. I love all Korean food, you know, especially, do you know kimchi, kimchi is perfect. It’s amazing. You should try it. And I bet you are going to like it. Do you like kimchi ? It’s my favorite.
Q6: What is your definition of being successful ?
Rain: When the people I know proud of me, when people praying for me and when people remember my name after I died.
Q7: What songs are on you IPod while now ?
Rain: I have so many songs in my IPod. You know. I love Hip Pop, R & B and Rap music. My favorite singers are Steven Wonder, Nat King Cole, (not so sure the last singer's name). They are the best. It’s awesome. I love my IPod.
我有許多歌在我的隨身聽裡。我喜歡Hip Pop, R & B 和Rap music。 我喜歡的歌手有Steven Wonder, Nat King Cole... 他們都是最棒的歌手。我很喜歡我的隨身聽。
Q8: What do you do with all the gifts given to you by your fans worldwide ?
Rain: I will appreciate my fans first. I try to keep the gifts at home so that I can see them whenever I feel lonely. They are very encouraging. It’s amazing. I love fans.
Q9: What advise would you give to the young people who look up to you and who want to do like you ?
Rain: Just work hard, you know. That is how I did. That’s the way to get there.
Q10: If you could go back in time, will you leave all these and return to your normal life ?
Rain: Well the thing is I forgot what I did before. If I go back in time, I might be able to meet more people, especially pretty girls, spend less time for training, never work out, never hard training.
Source: TIME Video Translated by johnRain @
Q1: Will you be brave enough to tell your fans that you have met your Ms. Right when the time comes in ?
Rain: If I meet Ms. Right, I like to respect her privacy. Her privacy is more important than my good. You know. That’s all.
Q2: In what ways do you think that Asian Entertainers whether they are musicians, actors or actresses ? How can they influence the western market which is clearly different from our own ?
Rain: You know. It doesn’t really matter where they come from. The important thing is people should understand each other.
Q3: What is the easiest way to seduce you ?
Rain: Haha.. OK you must be a good cook. If you are kind and pretty, that is even better. It’s perfect.
Q4: Where are your priorities, in both your career or your personal life ?
Rain: For now I want to work harder than ever to achieve my dream while I am in my twenties. And when I am in my thirties, I like to get married and have a wonderful family. You know. That is my dream.
Q5: If you have a chance to introduce Korean cultures to people overseas, which aspect would you like to introduce to them first ?
Rain: OK, that is good question. I love all Korean food, you know, especially, do you know kimchi, kimchi is perfect. It’s amazing. You should try it. And I bet you are going to like it. Do you like kimchi ? It’s my favorite.
Q6: What is your definition of being successful ?
Rain: When the people I know proud of me, when people praying for me and when people remember my name after I died.
Q7: What songs are on you IPod while now ?
Rain: I have so many songs in my IPod. You know. I love Hip Pop, R & B and Rap music. My favorite singers are Steven Wonder, Nat King Cole, (not so sure the last singer's name). They are the best. It’s awesome. I love my IPod.
我有許多歌在我的隨身聽裡。我喜歡Hip Pop, R & B 和Rap music。 我喜歡的歌手有Steven Wonder, Nat King Cole... 他們都是最棒的歌手。我很喜歡我的隨身聽。
Q8: What do you do with all the gifts given to you by your fans worldwide ?
Rain: I will appreciate my fans first. I try to keep the gifts at home so that I can see them whenever I feel lonely. They are very encouraging. It’s amazing. I love fans.
Q9: What advise would you give to the young people who look up to you and who want to do like you ?
Rain: Just work hard, you know. That is how I did. That’s the way to get there.
Q10: If you could go back in time, will you leave all these and return to your normal life ?
Rain: Well the thing is I forgot what I did before. If I go back in time, I might be able to meet more people, especially pretty girls, spend less time for training, never work out, never hard training.
Source: TIME Video Translated by johnRain @